About Us
Years experience in construction
Pure Field is one of the largest contracting companies in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The company has many engineers with great experience, whether technical office engineers, site engineers or consulting engineers. It also has a large team of trained workers who possess high skills to carry out their tasks. It also owns the latest equipment used in the field of contracting.
Markets and Product
Solutions and Satisfaction Value
Our Services
Construction Works
Water Transmission & networks
Studies and Designs
Maintenance and operation works
Electrical works and control systems
Water Pump Station & Boosting
Provide You The Highest Quality
Work That Meets Your Expectation.
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Our Advantages
Pure Field has many advantages that helped in its rapid spread and strong presence in the market, which indicates the presence of a highly experienced administrative team next to the technical and technical team, and the most important of our advantages are the following :
- integrated team work, which is dominated by the spirit of one family
- Accuracy in implementation and speed in performance
- Completion of work in the specified and according to the schedule time prepared
- Transparency, clarity and mutual trust with our customers
- Integrated study system for each project separately and avoid randomization
- Use of modern studies and systems to reduce the cost
- Implementation of international quality standards for safety systems and protection of individuals
Creative Ideas
Expert Engineers
Professional Support
Compatitive Price
Quality Product
Quick Delivery
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9:00AM to 5:00PM Sunday to Thursday - We would be delighted to speak.

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